If your dog is prone to back problems, this is for you. In fact, all pooch parents should listen up.
Intervertebral [in-ter-ver-TĒ-brăl] disk disease, or IVDD, is the most common canine back disorder. Dog breeds with short legs and long bodies — like dachshunds, Basset hounds and Corgis — are most at risk, but IVDD can affect any breed.
Intervertebral disks normally serve as stabilizers and shock absorbers between the vertebrae. But as disks degenerate, they can press on the spinal cord, often resulting in pain and lameness, which can progress to paralysis and numbness.
IVDD can be treated, but dogs fare best when the condition is caught early. If your pooch is showing signs of pain or lameness, see your veterinarian soon.