With temperatures soaring, it’s time for a refresher on avoiding summer risks to pets.
First and foremost, it’s never a good idea to leave a pet alone in a vehicle for any amount of time. Within just 10 minutes, the inside of a car can get almost 20 degrees hotter.
And just like us, our pets can get dehydrated very quickly in hot or humid weather, so always have fresh water available.
You’ll also want to go light on exercise in the heat and make sure your buddy has plenty of shade outdoors. Keep an eye on that, though, because the shade moves with the sun. On really hot days, it’s best to keep your pet inside where it’s cool.
Finally, always be on the lookout for signs of overheating in your pet, such as labored breathing, disorientation or collapse. Once signs appear, there’s a very small window to get help and avoid the worst.