Keep cats away from canine flea and tick preventatives

Keep cats away from canine flea and tick preventatives

Fleas and ticks aren’t just annoying to pets — they can transmit dangerous diseases. That’s why preventatives are so important. But before you buy a canine medication for your feline friend — stop! That could be a lethal choice.

The biggest culprits are pyrethrins — particularly permethrins, the synthetic versions. They work just fine in dogs, but they’re fatal for cats because of their different liver metabolism. Permethrins can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled or ingested — even by grooming a canine companion. Any route is fraught for felines.

Read labels carefully to ensure that the flea and tick preventative you choose is cat friendly. And check your lawn treatments and tick-repellent clothes, too, because they may contain permethrins. Finally, if your cat is exposed to a canine preventative, seek veterinary care ASAP.

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