Even a mild, sunny day can turn deadly for your pet unless you know some cool tips.
First, don’t leave pets alone in cars. The temperature in a car on a 72-degree day can reach 116 degrees within an hour. On humid days, the heat is even more dangerous.
Animals can get heat stroke outside, too. Signs of heat stroke in pets can include anxiety, heavy panting, drooling, vomiting and diarrhea. Dry gums that look bright red or purple, and small hemorrhages on skin or gums can also be signs. Your pet may become confused, have trouble standing or collapse.
Heat stroke is life-threatening. Soak an overheated pet with towels in front of a fan and contact a veterinarian immediately. Don’t apply ice, which can cool your pet too quickly.
Above all, prevent the risk of heat stroke by keeping your pet inside on hot days and always providing plenty of water.