Heartworm prevention is more than skin deep

Heartworm prevention is more than skin deep

Did you know that globally, mosquitos are the number one culprits spreading disease? In the United States, they cause a slew of problems by transmitting heartworm disease to dogs, cats, ferrets — even coyotes.

The American Heartworm Association recommends that pets, especially dogs, get tested annually for heartworm disease and receive preventive year-round. Testing is more complicated for cats.

If you’re thinking of replacing heartworm prophylaxis with topical mosquito repellants, think again. While pet-safe topicals may help keep mosquitos at bay, they do not take the place of preventives that kill heartworm larvae in animals.

Also, remember that just because a topical repellent or insecticide is approved for use in dogs does not mean it’s safe for cats. Be sure to read labels on over-the-counter products very carefully.

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