It can seem almost impossible to reverse the clock and get youthful skin as you get older. But dermatologists say it is possible to have glowing skin at any age, as long as you take the proper steps to protect and care for it.
There are several recommended methods to prevent premature skin aging.
The first suggestion is to swap out your current skin care products for ones with gentle ingredients. Look for mild, unscented products to avoid dry and irritated skin.
In addition, consider adding a retinoid product to your skin care roundup. Retinoid has been shown to make skin look younger by repairing and preventing skin damage.
If you’re prone to acne, be gentle with your skin when washing it. Overusing anti-acne cleansers can irritate gentle skin. Aim to use products that are labeled as noncomedogenic, which means they won’t clog pores. Look for oil-free, non acne-causing products as well.
Also, be sure to moisturize at least once a day, right after taking a bath or shower, so the product can use some of the leftover water on your skin as extra skin hydration.
By now, it’s common knowledge how important it is to lather on face sunscreen every day. However, it can be easy to ignore the wrinkles forming on other parts of your body. Don’t forget to protect your hands, neck and body with sunscreen that has an S-P-F of 30 or higher.
Finally, it’s important to focus on what you’re putting inside your body as well. For example, smoking can harm your skin. In addition to the poor health consequences associated with cigarettes, tobacco smoke contains dangerous toxins that lead to “smoker’s face,” a dull, dry complexion resulting in the loss of skin firmness and premature wrinkles.
For more tips and tricks for smooth, supple skin, be sure to visit a dermatologist.