Who needs carrot sticks or multigrain bread when you can have French fries or beer-battered onion rings?
Actually you probably do. Despite recent reports claiming low-fat fare isn’t as healthy as it’s hyped to be, most doctors say a sensible diet is still the ticket to good health.
New findings released from the Women’s Health Initiative study show that sticking to a low-fat diet doesn’t reduce the risk for developing heart disease or certain types of cancer.
Researchers studied the diets of five-thousand postmenopausal women, comparing those who slashed their fat intake with women who kept eating the same amount of fat. After eight years, researchers concluded that cutting fat didn’t protect women from breast cancer, colorectal cancer, heart disease or stroke.
But doctors say this doesn’t mean people should head for the dessert cart just yet.
Critics of the study say the research doesn’t make a distinction between healthier unsaturated fats and the saturated or trans fats more prevalent in red meat and greasy junk food.
Although researchers could not pinpoint a link between a low-fat diet and certain diseases, doctors say there are plenty of problems that result from the extra weight that often accompanies an improper diet.
Obesity has been linked to higher rates of type two diabetes, digestive problems, breathing problems, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.
Doctors say it’s probably best to stick to a healthy diet that suits you, despite what the latest news reports say.
Sorry, French fries!