Have fun showing the world your pup — one step at a time

Have fun showing the world your pup — one step at a time

You may have done a lot of homework before bringing your puppy home, but now the rubber meets the road. And top on the agenda is socializing your pooch.

As you introduce your little buddy to new experiences, make it fun and heap on the praise. Give yourself some kudos too — and stay calm. You don’t want your pup to pick up on stress.

It’s win-win when you make it a family affair. Your pup will have fun bonding with everyone — and who doesn’t want to play with a bundle of fluff? If there are kids at home, they can brainstorm new experiences and record their pup’s feedback in a Puppy Book.

All that being said, don’t overwhelm your little one. Take small steps at home, then talk to your veterinarian about when it’s safe to venture farther afield. Taking it slow ensures that everyone has a chance to stop and smell the roses.

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