No one expects an emergency to befall his or her four-legged friend. But before disaster strikes, be sure to have a plan.
You can start by downloading the American Red Cross Pet First Aid app onto your phone or tablet. Among many other things, the 99-cent app provides the location of nearby animal hospitals. It also lists step-by-step instructions for first-aid care for common emergencies until you can reach a veterinarian.
Here are two examples: If your pet is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound, ideally with a gauze pad. When the pad is soaked, layer another on top, and so on. Veterinarians can estimate the volume of blood lost by the number of soaked pads.
In the event of a seizure, be sure your furry friend is somewhere safe. But at the same time, stay away from its mouth to avoid being bitten.
Remember … it pays to have a plan before an emergency occurs.