Grooming is part of keeping your canine companion in tip-top shape. And while it ultimately makes your buddy feel good, you might not know it by the anxiety it can cause in the process.
Before you attempt grooming, give your dog a hug. To us, a hug signals caring and comfort. But to a dog, it conjures up being pinned down — that is, restrained — and that’s an inherently scary thing. Start by gently holding your dog for a few seconds. If he stays still, praise him, let go and offer a treat. If he struggles to get free, hold him gently but firmly until he relaxes for a bit, then release him with praise and a goodie. Never hold tightly and don’t get angry. And if your dog growls, snaps or panics, stop the training.
Once your dog accepts being restrained, slowly introduce the tools and techniques of grooming. It all starts with a hug.