An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but the same doesn’t go for apple juice. In fact, a recent study from Scottish researchers shows that fruit juice could be just as bad for you as other sugary beverages, like carbonated drinks or even sodas.
Unlike sodas, most fruit juices offer the healthful promise of a serving of fruit in each glass. But many of these juicy drinks have a whopping amount of sugar loaded in each serving. Researchers say getting your serving of fruits and vegetables from a fruit juice may even be counter-productive.
Researchers in the U.K. are now saying that fruit juice should be excluded from the list of fruits and vegetables that count toward the country’s current “five a day” guideline.
Their study found that just one glass of juice contains substantially more sugar than a single piece of fruit — and the healthy benefits found in whole fruit, like fiber, are found in smaller amounts with fruit juice.
Researchers say the nutrients included in fruit juice may not be enough to counteract the unhealthy effect that excessive consumption has on metabolism.
The study found a majority of the public is unaware just how much sugar is in fruit juices.
According to the study, a widespread belief that fruit juices are a low-sugar alternative to sodas causes people to consider fruit juice as a healthy food that does not need to be limited. But experts say too much fruit juice could lead to too much sugar intake, as well.
Other recent studies have also shown a link between sugar intake and heart disease.
In 2012, researchers at Harvard reported that a daily consumption of sugary drinks raised the risk of heart disease in men.
Researchers urge people to consider fruit juice as a sugar-sweetened drink, and not a healthier alternative to soda. Water, anyone?