For abusers of every kind: time’s up

For abusers of every kind: time’s up

There’s really nothing much worse than animal abuse. And does it seem to you that often the punishment doesn’t fit the crime? Well, thanks to those who’ve fought hard to strengthen statutes, those times appear to be changing.

For example, a law just passed in Florida does three things: it ratchets up the severity ranking of the animal abuse, forbids an animal abuser from having pets and increases the possibility of jail time.

In other areas of the country, people convicted of animal abuse are being added to offenders’ registries. And anyone thinking of abusing an animal in Pennsylvania had better think again. That kind of cruelty is now a third-degree felony that’s punishable by a 15 thousand dollar fine and up to seven years in jail.

We need to speak up for those who can’t do it themselves. When it comes to abusers of any kind, time’s up.

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