Fleas can cause more than just itching. Some carry tapeworms that can lead to weight loss in dogs and cats.
Certain tapeworms develop, in part, inside fleas. When grooming, your four-legged friend may accidentally eat one of these fleas, along with its tiny tapeworm. Inside your pet’s digestive tract, that small tapeworm grows into a bigger one before passing eggs to the outside. Fur-surfing fleas ingest the eggs and the process begins anew.
Even people, usually children, can accidentally ingest a flea, although this is rare. But who wants to take a chance? Instead, keep fleas out of your home and out of your yard. Ask your veterinarian to examine and treat your pets for tapeworms and other parasites. And make sure children avoid waste-soiled areas and wash up after petting dogs and cats.
It looks like fighting fleas pays dividends.