If you’re experiencing feelings of depression, you might find help through behavioral therapy, increased physical activity or antidepressants. But you could find another remedy conveniently available in your refrigerator: Yogurt.
According to a study conducted at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, the healthy bacteria Lactobacillus (lac-to-ba-CIL-lus) commonly found in live-cultured yogurt alleviated depressive-like symptoms in mice, and the researchers say the same results may occur in humans.
Because stress is linked to depression, the researchers compared the gut microbiome of mice before and after they were exposed to stress. In findings published in the journal Scientific Reports, the scientists found increases in stress led to decreased amounts of Lactobacillus in the guts of the mice. They also found a lack of the good bacteria led to an increase in their kynurenine (ken-uren-ine) levels, a blood metabolite linked to symptoms of depression.
Researchers introduced the bacteria into the stressed rodents’ diets for three weeks, and their depressive-like symptoms reversed. These findings suggest yogurt containing Lactobacillus could help treat depression in humans, but much more research is needed. People with depression should not discontinue medication without consulting their doctor. Time will tell whether they might benefit from incorporating yogurt into their diets.
Depression affects about 7 percent of the population, making it one of the most common mental disorders. So, if you’re feeling heavy-hearted or despondent, grab a spoon and a cup of yogurt. Some healthy bacteria could just help lift your mood.