Even sleeping is better for the heart than sitting

Even sleeping is better for the heart than sitting

Americans sit too much. Whether it’s at a work desk or in front of the television, all that sedentary time is harmful to our hearts and circulatory system. In fact, scientists say, you’re better off sleeping than sitting on your derrière.

A study supported by the British Heart Foundation found that almost any activity is healthier than sitting.

Cardiovascular disease is the top killer of people around the globe, accounting for one in three deaths. The stakes are high.

British and Australian scientists analyzed pre-existing studies involving more than 15,000 people in five countries. The participants wore devices that measured their physical activity and their cardiovascular health was monitored.

Researchers determined how reducing sedentary behavior and spending more time on other types of activities improved health markers like weight, blood sugar and cholesterol. Even replacing sitting with another activity for a couple of minutes a day was found to be beneficial.

The less time sitting, the greater the impact.

The strongest health improvement, not surprisingly, came from replacing sitting with vigorous exercise. For example, a 54-year-old woman who swapped these activities 30 minutes a day for a week reduced her waistline by nearly 3% and her blood sugar by 3.6%.

Other behaviors healthier than sitting included light physical exercise, standing and, yes, sleeping.

The study says benefits might be seen even by getting off our duffs for just a couple minutes a day. So, while your boss might frown at your hitting the sack at work, a brisk walk at lunch might lead to a longer life.

Sitting, it seems, doesn’t sit well with the heart.

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