With the arrival of cooler weather, some pets want to play outside, while others opt to explore indoors. But beware: dangers can lurk in either place.
As temperatures drop, rodents look for warmer haunts. Rodenticides pose a double threat to pets: poisoning by direct ingestion, or by eating a poisoned rodent.
Autumn signals antifreeze, which often contains ethylene glycol, a deadly toxin that’s like candy to pets. So clean up spills, but better yet, check out products containing propylene glycol instead.
Mushrooms abound in the fall and can be surprisingly tempting to dogs. But some varieties can be fatal, so keep your pooch far away from fungi.
Even school supplies — such as glue sticks, pencils or markers — can spell trouble if ingested by inquisitive pets.
Keep fall fun for your pet by being alert to potential problems.