If your pooch starts pawing at her mouth or gasping, or you see her gums turn blue after downing a treat or lunging for a toy, she may be choking.
First, take care, because a panicked dog may bite. Then, retrieve the offending object, which may require a partner. As you open your dog’s mouth, sliding her lips over her teeth can act as your protection. If you see the object, try grasping it with your fingers or hooking it with a spoon handle. If you can’t reach it but your pooch is breathing, get her to a veterinary clinic ASAP.
If your dog stopsbreathing and collapses, be ready to perform the canine Heimlich maneuver. Brace one hand against your dog’s back and use your other to press her belly up and forward. Keep at it while your partner gets you to the clinic.
Ask your veterinarian for tips on this and other emergencies.