If you’ll be bringing home a puppy, you may wonder what to expect that first day.
It may be the first time your pup’s been away from his canine family. There’ll be no licking, nuzzling and warm pooch contact in this strange, new environment. That’s why the first day is the scariest for a pup.
It’s also why your puppy’s apt to whine a lot that first night. But don’t exile him for the sake of your sleep; that’ll only heighten his fear. And don’t leave him out on a blanket where he could get hurt or make a mess. Instead, settle him in a crate just outside your room where he can smell and hear you. After a gentle good-night rub, ignore his cries until he falls asleep. Then take him outside for a break if he cries again during the night.
Once your pup knows he can count on you, he’ll come around.