There is much more to canine communication than meets the eye. The human eye, that is.
In fact, dogs appear to clue in to canine emotions by catching tail-wagging tips. Laboratory research has shown that dogs become agitated when they see another dog wagging its tail to the left. In contrast, spotting a right-sided wag induces relaxation. Similarly, a dog seeing a happy sight, like its owner, tends to wag its tail to the right. However, seeing a threatening or unfamiliar dog can result in a left-sided wag.
This perceptual imbalance, or asymmetry, may have implications for our relationships with dogs as well. Although our tail-less state leaves us wag-challenged, it’s good to understand we also can communicate with dogs through our body language. If you go near an unfamiliar dog, there might be a “best side” approach that would make a good first impression.