Being a tubby tabby can work against your cat in many ways. In fact, just being 2 pounds over his or her ideal weight can put your furry friend at risk for some serious health issues.
One of the diseases that can plague pudgy felines is Type 2 diabetes. Affected cats can make insulin but their bodies don’t respond to it. Diabetes can weaken cats and make them very sick. But because obese cats spend lots of time lying around anyway, it can be tough to tell lazy from lethargic. And when diabetes isn’t treated, health problems go from bad to worse.
Type 2 diabetes is three times more likely to develop in flabby rather than fit felines. Those at highest risk are neutered males over 10 years old that weigh more than 15 pounds. With help from your veterinary team, your cat can shed that worrisome weight and get back in fighting shape.