As the weather warms, skunks become more active — and more of a problem for pets. A direct skunk spray to the face can irritate a pet’s eyes — and if ingested, can cause drooling, nausea and vomiting.
And of course there’s the smell. The offending thiols [THIGH-alls] in skunk spray aren’t water soluble, so bathing your pet with soap and water won’t help. One effective recipe adds one quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide to one-quarter cup baking soda, then mixes in two teaspoons of liquid dish detergent.
When the mixture bubbles, lather it on, avoiding your pet’s eyes. Let it sit for five minutes before rinsing and bathing your buddy with regular pet shampoo. Wear gloves. Be careful: products containing hydrogen peroxide can bleach fur and fabric.