Common sounds can make dogs anxious

Common sounds can make dogs anxious

You probably know that many dogs are afraid of loud noises, like thunder or fireworks. But you may be less aware of canine anxiety caused by common household sounds.

Dogs are more likely to become anxious around intermittent high-frequency noises rather than continuous low-frequency ones. That means the low-battery warning from your smoke detector is more apt to bother your pup than the hum of your dishwasher or dryer.

But if you’re not attuned to the subtler aspects of canine body language, it could escape your notice. Instead of shaking and hiding as with thunder, dogs frightened by household sounds may simply pant, lick their lips or stiffen. Subtle or not, they’re all signs of canine distress.

Frequently assessing your buddy’s body language can go a long way toward putting your pooch at ease.

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