Cell phone apps: the future of sun protection?

Cell phone apps: the future of sun protection?

You’ve got an app to track your food, exercise, calendar and expenses … and soon you might have an app to track how much sun you’re getting, too.

The dangers of sun exposure are well documented. Each year in the United States, there are 3.5 million cases of skin cancer. Despite this statistic, less than one-third of people use sunscreen regularly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Several companies have recognized this contradiction and have responded by creating devices and apps dedicated to monitoring sun intake.

For example, a wearable device called JUNE, which can be worn as a bracelet or a pin, contains UV sensors that track a person’s sun exposure throughout the day. Paired with a free app, JUNE provides a “sun forecast” for each day, complete with a measure of the expected UV radiation from the sun on a 1 to 10 scale.

Some devices are designed for one-time use, like UVSunSense wristbands. If you’re at the park or the beach and you’re not sure how often to reapply sunscreen, these disposable wristbands will change colors to alert you that you should either reapply or get out of the sun.

If you’re not interested in buying an actual device, there are several apps available that work with your location to give you an idea of how exposed you are to the sun. SunZapp and Sunwise UV Index are two low-cost or free options.

The jury is still out on whether this technology is actually helping people become more proactive about sun protection, however. In a study published by JAMA Dermatology, participants who used mobile sun exposure applications did not reduce the amount of sunburns they received.

Whether you want to use a sun app or not, make sure to protect your skin when you go outside to work or play.

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