Cats and their litter boxes. It all seems so simple, but using the litter box can be a source of great stress for cats—and that can result in major medical problems. So, it’s important to be on top of your boxing game.
Offering a clean litter box in a quiet place is the goal. Cats are clean freaks and guard their privacy. That may mean a couple of litter boxes for every cat — if you have the space. Placement of the litter box is important, too. Some rooms don’t offer much private quiet space. Other spots may be tough for older cats to reach.
The larger the box, the better. A good rule of thumb is that it be 1½ times as long as your cat. Many cats also prefer covered litter boxes.
The general wisdom is that cats like unscented litter, but some don’t mind a fresh scent. Again, it’s all about being clean.