Curiosity won’t kill most cats, but it makes for some unhealthy habits. Take a cat’s penchant for cruising countertops.
Cats like to explore the sounds and smells coming from these mysterious surfaces. Finding snacks along the way strengthens their resolve. Felines also prefer a panoramic view of their digs — one afforded by a countertop’s height.
But remember: the paws patrolling that surface also dig in a litter box. And there’s a fear factor for cats as well, because treats encountered, like raw meat or bones, pose hidden risks.
So how do you take back your countertop? Start by providing other perches, like shelves or cat platforms. Then clear the counter of food and wipe with a strong-smelling disinfectant. Temporarily covering the surface with plastic wrap is another cat turnoff. Before long, you’ll encounter a feline-free zone.