Catalyzing a veterinary connection

Catalyzing a veterinary connection

The excitement of adopting a first pet can make a person giddy. But during those heady first days, it’s important not to overlook pet priorities.

One of those is veterinary care, which can get lost in the shuffle —

especially if a first-time pet owner doesn’t have a relationship with a veterinarian. To help remedy this situation, some shelters are taking part in a program called the CATalyst Connection. Before taking their pet home, new adopters are asked to select a veterinarian from a pre-screened list. Then if a veterinary appointment is scheduled, that first examination is free.

While the CATalyst Connection is the brainchild of an organization that advocates for cats, dogs and other pets are included in the program. The ultimate goal is to instill the idea of life-long veterinary care for any pet.

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