A new strain of canine influenza, or dog flu, showed up in the United States a few years ago. From Chicago in 2015 through the South and Southeast this past spring, the H3N2 virus has spread through over 30 states. That’s why it’s important for you to know the signs of infection in your canine companion.
Most affected dogs have typical flu-like signs such as sneezing, coughing and a runny nose, but some go on to develop pneumonia. So, if you’re suspicious of any signs you’re seeing, don’t delay scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian.
The good news is now there’s a vaccine against the H3N2 flu. As with many infectious diseases, prevention is less costly — and less traumatic — than treating the disease itself. Ask your veterinarian if he or she recommends vaccination to help build a wall of protection around your pooch.