Breaking the sad cycle of allergies to cats

Breaking the sad cycle of allergies to cats

Did you know that one of the most common reasons cats are surrendered to shelters is human allergies? But if the affected family member is open to all treatment options, this heartbreaking outcome might be avoided. One choice may soon be a new kind of vaccine.

The goal of vaccination is to lessen a person’s immune response to the offending antigen, which is released in a cat’s saliva, skin and urine. Several vaccines are available but the newest one being studied is a peptide immunotherapy that requires fewer injections given less often. So far, vaccination 4 times over 3 months has decreased the classic signs of allergy: sneezing, nasal itchiness and congestion. Blood tests also show a dampened inflammatory response.

If the positive results keep on coming, both cats and their allergic companions may have a reason to rejoice.

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