f you’re a pet parent or not and you use bleach and citrusy household cleaners, this message is for you.
The citrus scent in cleaners comes by way of compounds called limonenes [LIME-oh-neens]. Used alone, limonenes aren’t toxic, but once they’re exposed to air or light, they can irritate the eyes and skin. However, that’s usually not a problem with the small amounts added to household products.
It’s another story when bleach comes in contact with limonenes. The airborne particles become much more dangerous, and when inhaled, they can cause coughing, sneezing and shortness of breath. These symptoms are especially dangerous in people or pets with asthma or heart disease.
So, make it a point not to combine bleach and citrus-scented products. Also, whenever you’re cleaning, have plenty of ventilation and keep your pets away from the action.