If you binge on carbohydrate-heavy snacks, you could be in for a bellyache; but the same thing can be fatal to your horse.
Grain overload is an equine emergency — even though your horse might look fine when you discover the bingeing. But don’t be fooled. This situation is a ticking time bomb, and every second counts when seeking treatment.
The problem is the soluble carbohydrates — sugar and starch — found in concentrated feed. Once ingested, these carbohydrates create an acidic environment in the body, letting bacterial toxins run amok. Within 48 hours after pigging out on grain, your horse can go into shock and suffer from colic, or abdominal pain, and laminitus, a life-threatening hoof disease.
So be sure to store away grain containers, keep the supply room door locked and secure grain bins. If you discover your horse with his muzzle in the cookie jar, call your veterinarian immediately.