Ahh … falling leaves, crisp clear weather and wood-burning stoves. There’s a lot to love about the fall, but pet parents need to beware of hidden risks as well.
Piles of leaves are fun to romp through, but they’re also breeding grounds for ticks, bacteria and mold. Leaf blowers are scary to many pets and can leave trails of toxic fuel. Some fall plants are also poisonous to pets, such as mums, autumn crocus and Thanksgiving cactus.
Cool fall days also drive rodents indoors, prompting homeowners to use rodenticides. Many of these products are fatal if eaten by dogs or cats. The same goes for the ingestion of ethylene glycol [eth-eh-lean gly-call].
Finally, shorter days mean more dog walks in the dark. Reflective clothing for you and a light-up collar for your furry friend should help drivers steer clear — but keep a tight hold on the leash, just in case.