For some sedentary folks and their couch-bound dogs, a jog together can potentially do double duty. But it isn’t for every pooch.
Some breeds don’t have the build or temperament to sustain a vigorous workout. These include short-nosed breeds — like pugs, bulldogs or boxers — that are born with upper-respiratory challenges. These anatomic variations put them at risk of breathing problems and heat stroke.
Even dogs with athletic potential need to build stamina before going for a long run. And those in great shape can still be pushed past their limit, especially by the heat. Remember — dogs can only release heat by panting, which sets them up for dehydration. That’s why they need access to plenty of water during activity.
So, know your dog well before making her your jogging buddy. Stop your run and seek shade and water for your dog if it suddenly lags behind, as this is a sign of heat exhaustion.