New research shows certain foods may help to lower blood pressure. And here’s the good news: There are some tasty options such as apples and berries to add to your diet.
Foods that contain a type of plant chemical called flavanol [FLAV-an-ol] are associated with reduced blood pressure. That’s the upshot of research by scientists in England, who studied the diets and blood pressure of more than 25,000 people in Great Britain over a four-year period. They found those who ate more food with flavanols had meaningful reductions in their blood pressure.
The blood pressure reductions from flavanols were similar to those produced by the Mediterranean diet and other diets.
But fruits aren’t the end of the high-flavanol list. Chocolate also was associated with higher flavanol levels among the study participants. Other foods, including milk and potatoes, had the opposite effect, producing lower flavanol concentrations.
Interestingly, the research found higher flavanol levels among women who drank red wine.
The findings contribute to a growing body of evidence that shows the health benefits of natural sources of flavanol. Unlike other studies that have relied on participants to self-report their food consumption, this study used chemical biomarkers found in the body, making the results more objective.
The most significant changes were seen in people with the highest blood pressure. That suggests that the prevalence of cardiovascular disease could be reduced in the general public if flavanol consumption increases.
So, when you stroll through the grocery store aisles, look for foods that have flavanol as well as flavor.