A daily run can control weight, improve mood, raise energy and could combat future illnesses. It can also provide brain-boosting benefits as you age. But as you get older and running becomes more challenging, it can be confusing as to what type of physical exercise you should do to keep your mind sharp. Should you focus on cardio, strength-training or other exercises? Now, researchers are saying it doesn’t matter if you do Zumba or lift weights as long as you’re just out there doing them.
The study focused on three different groups of participants aged 62 to 84; one group did high-intensity aerobics, the second performed basic strength training and the third worked on gross motor-skill activities. The study found that even though all three groups did different types of exercises, they all demonstrated equal improvement in cognitive performance.
To researchers’ surprise, the third group in the study, those who did motor-skill activities such as coordination and balance exercises, performed just as well on cognition tests as the two other groups. This goes to show that anyone can get, and benefit from, brain benefits from their daily workout, even at home through simple exercises.
Researchers say regular exercise can improve both gross motor skills and executive functions, which weaken as we age. Executive functions allow us to perform daily activities such as planning, organizing and remembering details while gross motor skills let us do bigger body movements like sitting or jumping. These functions are vital for a healthy lifestyle as we get older. Also, coupling regular exercise with a nutritious diet can delay future decline in cognitive performance.
So if you are looking for a way to improve both your physical and cognitive health at any age, simply pick a form of activity you love and stick with it.