Got a hankering for a slab of ribs? If you’re a man over age 60, digging into a meaty meal may actually help your health. According to a new study, consuming a diet high in animal protein could help older men function higher at physical, psychological and social levels.
The researchers found that men who consumed the most animal protein had a 39 percent decreased risk of facing a decline in their abilities to perform everyday tasks as they age.
However, for folks under 65, another recent study found that eating too much protein in middle age could be as harmful as smoking. The researchers from this study found a link between high protein consumption from animal sources and increased risks for cancer, diabetes and even death.
According to the researchers, a high-protein diet equals getting about one-fifth of your daily calories from meat.
So what changes in older men that allows the body to better handle protein? Experts say aging may affect the body’s ability to absorb and process proteins. This means our requirement for protein increases with age.
Overall though, calories and diet composition, in terms of the amount and type of protein a person consumes, may determine the length and health of a lifespan.
The Institute of Medicine recommends eating .8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day — that’s about 58 grams for a 160-pound adult. What does that translate to in actual servings? About four ounces of tuna and a half-cup of roasted chicken.
However, the exact amount can vary depending on your diet and lifestyle habits.
Looking to increase the amount of protein intake in your diet? Some foods that contain high amounts of protein are tuna, soybeans, lentils and non-fat plain Greek yogurt.