In today’s high-tech world of Web sites and widgets, the Internet is the dominant source of all information. Millions of news-hungry tweeters can find the latest headlines, get directions, and send an e-mail with the touch of a screen or the click of a button.
So, if you find yourself with a stuffy nose as the weather warms up, there’s no need to get out from under your covers. Just reach over to your nightstand and grab your iPhone, because if you’re allergic to mold spores, there’s an app for that.
When used correctly, experts say digital tools can help fight allergies in the real world. While doctors are the only ones who can truly diagnose the reason behind your scratchy throat and watery eyes, knowing when certain allergens are in season can help you take medication to stop symptoms before they start.
The Weather Channel’s Web site is one of the many that can help you get started in the fight against allergies. There, you can sign up for pollen alerts sent to you via e-mail or text message. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology’s Web site has interactive maps where you can check for statistics on common allergy triggers like weeds, grass and mold. Pollen-dot-com has a free allergy alert application for the iPhone and iPodTouch that gives you updates on cold and cough, asthma and UV ray forecasts for one or four days.
With technology bringing info just a sneeze-length away, say goodbye to stuffy noses this spring and say hello to a deep breath or two.