A visual payback

A visual payback

It’s that time of year again — when veterinary ophthalmologists give back by offering free eye exams to service animals.

For over nine years, the National Service Animal Eye Exam event has provided eye screenings to eligible service animals in the following categories: guide, hearing assistance, drug detection, police/military, search and rescue, therapy and those assisting people with disabilities other than blindness. Since 2008, over 45,000 free eye exams have been performed.

Only active service animals are eligible and they need to be formally certified by an organization. Animals need to be registered in April for the May exams, and they’ll be set up with a participating ophthalmologist.

For all service animals, their sight is their work. It’s a great time to honor what they’ve done for so many of us. For more information, visit acvoeyeexam.org [ACVO-EyeExam.org].

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