Did you know the hay you feed your cattle or horses could contain a pasture poison?
Equisetum — also known as horsetail or scouring rush — is a fern-like plant that usually grows along streams or in other moist areas. But sometimes it can be found in pastures or hay fields. Cattle and horses won’t graze on it because they don’t like the taste, but if it’s harvested along with everything else to make hay, they won’t notice the difference.
Although it’s toxic to both cattle and horses, equisetum is tougher on the latter. Affected horses often look weak and uncoordinated and may have tremors. If they eat enough equisetum, they can die.
Of course, you’ll want to call your veterinarian ASAP if you notice anything abnormal. And if you plan to harvest your own hay, walk your fields first to look for plant intruders.