A cat’s breath away from a diagnosis

A cat’s breath away from a diagnosis

As befits a carnivore through and through, a cat’s breath isn’t expected to be fresh as a daisy. But breath that’s especially pungent may be sending medical signals.

The most common cause of halitosis in cats is oral bacteria, which mixes with plaque to cause dental disease. But problems affecting other parts of the body can also alter the smell of your buddy’s breath.

For example, diabetes can impart a sweet or fruity odor to the breath, whereas a urine smell might be due to kidney disease. With either disease, affected cats often drink and urinate more than usual.

On the other hand, particularly foul halitosis—especially if a cat is vomiting or refusing food—might indicate liver disease.

If you notice any of these signs, contact your veterinarian. She has your pet’s back—and that’s always a breath of fresh air.

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